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Care Partner Logo Image of side-by-side hands with an overlapping heart and The Care Partner Project Community Educator written below.

Available Topics for Presentations

Safe Hospital Visits

Roughly 25% of people have an accidental harm event during hospitalization and about 160,000 patients lose their lives annually. It’s no secret that our healthcare providers are stretched thin. Despite their best intentions, cracks in care open up. Pick up simple, practical tips to safeguard your loved ones’ hospital care.

  • What to watch for, say, and do

  • Key moments when patients are especially vulnerable

  • How to support good communication—key to getting good care

  • Plus many more valuable tips!

Senior Living Decisions

Aging often means that we may be able to do everything we used to do. It might be as simple as looking for a retirement community so you can spend less time cooking and cleaning, and more time having fun. When you or a loved one is unable to live independently due to health or memory issues, it creates a more daunting situation. This presentation will help you learn how to asses and find a place that provides the level of assistance you need in a safe, secure environment, while still giving you the lifestyle you desire. 

How to Have a Successful Telehealth Visit

Telehealth is being used more and more for care. Gather tips, and tricks, and help with deciding if telehealth is the right care visit format for you. This presentation will also set you up for a smooth, efficient, and productive meeting with your doctor.

  • When telehealth may be right for you (or not)

  • How to avoid common mishaps in setting up your “telehealth tech” at home

  • How to prep for every meeting with your doctor 

When to Speak Up

Speaking up to doctors and nurses can be intimidating for most of us. But there are key stress points in health care that beg for you to be heard … and heeded.

The cartoon character, Maxine, always speaks up… but not always so diplomatically! This lively, interactive presentation sets up fun role plays so participants leave with crucial info about when to speak up and how to do so comfortably.

How to Support Loved Ones from Afar

Having loved ones far away brings challenges in supporting a loved one during a hospital stay. Cost of travel, time away from work, and other family responsibilities can often impact your ability to be with your loved one. Facetime is helpful, but often you are limited in the amount of information you can obtain. 

Learn the tips and strategies professional patient advocates picked up during Covid:

  • How and when to connect with medical staff  (best times of day and why)

  • How to get consistent, meaningful medical updates on your loved one

  • How to monitor care, diagnoses, recovery, and more.

Advance Care Plan

At some point in our lives, there may come a point where it is not possible to make healthcare decisions for ourselves. Knowing and putting in place key medical documents to express our wishes and guide decisions others may need to make on our behalf can make life so much easier.

Eliminate the assumptions and get all the information you need to name your Medical Power of Attorney and specify your wishes in POLST and DNR documents to ensure your wishes are carried out as you intend.

How to Protect Against Serious Infections

Learn in this presentation about simple ways to protect ourselves from Superbugs, where they exist. They often exist in our communities and health care centers and are often unresponsive to treatment. 

  • Where environmental Superbugs lurk,

  • How to avoid them,

  • Their symptoms, and

  • When to get medical help… immediately.

Interested in scheduling a talk?

If any of these topics interest you or you would like to discuss other potential topics, click Book Now!

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